Finally, there she is!

Posted by on Jun 6, 2022 in Read All About It, Tips and Tricks
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Not long ago the Elizabeth Line, better known as the Lizzy Line, was opened to the public. A new part of the underground bringing people via this railway from west to east and back along a beautiful purple part of London.

Despite the fact that it took a couple of years longer, not even starting about the budget, I think they did a great job. They definitely upgraded the way people travel, looking at the stations, the trains and the platforms. I’d love to hear the Queens’ opinion about it. After all, they named the line after her, didn’t they?

Enough about her. I really want to point out the easy way of travelling the London tube (and railway) with the Oyster card. Top it up on any station, including a couple of machines at the airports around London and just check-in and (don’t forget to) check-out. Easy as that. Nowadays you can also use your credit card but not all people have one so the Oyster card is still the best solution around, in my humble opinion.

One small tip from me. Use the OysterCalculator if you’re not certain about how much your trip is going to cost you. It’s an easy way you find out the cheapest way to travel. Be smart and take a closer look at the Leaving and Returning hours. It’ll save you some serious Pennies!

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