Above- and underground

Posted by on May 13, 2022 in Read All About It
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As promised I would write a short introduction and the reason I started this wonderful site.

London is, in my humble opinion, one of the most versatile cities in the world. This is noticeable for instance when walking around between buildings from many different ages. One other is the fact that less than half of the population is ‘White British’ which means the greater part is a big ethnic mix.

Did you know over 250 languages are spoken in London?

Apart from life above ground there is a huge part which takes place below surface. This is the place where you can find The Underground. The tube is a great way to experience not only the city but also large parts of, so called, Greater London. This specific type of transport will be dealt with in another post.

Because I was lucky to visit London many times in the past I nowadays love to bring other people over to show them around and let them also experience this wonderful place. That’s probably the biggest reason I started this site. I’d love to enthuse you and give you enough reasons to visit London yourself.

Wanna find out your favourite spot?

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